They're not in stores, don't waste your prank time looking' for 'em.
Anywho, AJ April Fooled us today! Well, I had to buy Zany item, Silly item and Wacky item! To see what they were. Let me tell you, if you want to trap something, buy all of THEM! I took screenshots to show you.
Silly Item (The one with the dirt pile)
Zany Item (Warning sign one)
Wacky Item (Do not press one)
They look like this in stores. Note that the photos above are in the same order as they are in stores.
AJHQ gave us a chance to buy one of the most magnificent and breathtaking birthstone.
Sorry if the photo is a little 'scratchy'. Cropping issues lol.
And, I welcome my 2 new trademark animals! In the next post, I will talk about them
Look for the word 'rare' and see how many times you see it. RIM (Rare Item Monday) doesn't count. You have potential to get a worn, fox hat, or spike! Tell me in the comments, how many you see! See the winner and answer in the next post! Contest ends Friday, April 4th.
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